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First 397 results for ” E Nikinmaa”

  1. Seismic Data formats, Archival and Exchange

    B Dost, J Zednik, J Havskov, RJ Willemann, P Borman | Year: 2002


  2. Low visibility and ceiling forecasts at Schiphol; Part 1-assessment of the current system

    Accurate, reliable and unambiguous information concerning actual and expected low visibility cond...

    JB Wijngaard, DHP Vogelezang, J van Bruggen, N Maat | Year: 2007 | Pages: 30


  3. A variational data assimilation system for ground-based GPS slant delays

    H Jarvinen, R Eresmaa, H Vedel, K Salonen, S Niemela, J de Vries | Status: published | Journal: Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc. | Year: 2007 | First page: 969 | Last page: 980 | doi: 10.1002/gj.79


  4. Data archival for Europe and its surroundings: inventory, organization and implementation. NERA deliverable D2.1, 17 pp

    T van Eck, W Hanka, R Sleeman, J Clinton, K Stammler, H Pedersen, S Mazza, J Zednik | Year: 2013


  5. Estimating surface-level nitrogen dioxide concentrations from Sentinel-5P/TROPOMI observations in Finland

    In recent decades, satellite instruments have been providing observations of air pollutants such ...

    Henrik Virta, Iolanda Ialongo, Monika Szeląg, Henk Eskes | Journal: Atmospheric Environment | Volume: 312 | Year: 2023 | First page: 119989 | doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.119989
