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First 372 results for ” M Koutek”

  1. Towards a European UV-climatology utilising ground-based and satellite based analysis

    UV-radiation levels at the ground can be strongly influenced by ozone and climate change. Over on...

    H Slaper, PN den Outer, JE Williams, A Bais, J Kaurola, K Lakkala, G Seckmeyer, P Weihs | Conference: Quadrennial Ozone Symposium | Organisation: International Ozone Commision | Place: Kos,Greece | First page: 249 | Last page: 250


  2. Evaluation of possiblities to incorporate water stress effects in three stomatal conductance models when modelling daily ecosystem fluxes of a Douglas fir forest.

    MT van Wijk, SC Dekker, W Bouten, FC Bosveld, W Kohsiek, K Kramer, GMJ Mohren | Status: published | Journal: Tree Phys. | Volume: 20 | Year: 1999 | First page: 115 | Last page: 122


  3. Impact of initial perturbations in decadal prediction.

    H Du, F Doblas-Reyes, J Garcia-Serranno, V Guemas, Y Soufflet, B Wouters | Status: submitted | Journal: Clim. Dyn. | Year: 2011


  4. The Effect of the 18.6-Year Lunar Nodal Cycle on Regional Sea-Level Rise Estimates

    F Baart, P Van Gelder, J De Ronde, M van Koningsveld, B Wouters | Status: accepted | Journal: J. Coastal Res. | Year: 2011


  5. The ACIFORN hydrological programme : the water cycle of a Douglas fir forestThe ACIFORN hydrological programme : the water cycle of a Douglas fir forest

    The ACIFORN hydrological programme : the water cycle of a Douglas fir forest

    F.C. Bosveld, W. Bouten, F. Noppert, E.G. Steingröver, A. Tiktak | Year: 1993 | Pages: 17
