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First 513 results for ” Fosser”

  1. S-ProvFlow. Storing and Exploring Lineage Data as a Service

    We present a set of configurable Web service and interactive tools, s-ProvFlow, for managing and ...

    Alessandro Spinuso, Malcolm Atkinson, Federica Magnoni | Journal: Data Intelligence | Year: 2022 | doi:


  2. Mapping Solid Earth Data and Research Infrastructures to CERIF

    EPOS is a Research Infrastructure plan that is undertaking the challenge of integrating data from...

    D Bailo, D Ulbricht, M L Nayembil, L Trani, A Spinuso, K G Jeffery | Conference: 13th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems, CRIS2016, Communicating and Measuring Research Responsibly: Profiling, Metrics, | Organisation: euroCRIS | Place: St. Andrews | Year: 2016 | doi:


  3. WFCatalog: a catalogue for seismological waveform data

    This paper reports advances in seismic waveform description and discovery leading to a new seismo...

    Luca Trani, Mathijs Koymans, Malcolm Atkinson, Reinoud Sleeman and Rosa Filgueira | Status: submitted | Journal: Computers and Geosciences | Volume: 106 | Year: 2017 | First page: 101 | Last page: 108 | doi:
