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First 613 results for ” Pinardi”

  1. A globally consistent local-scale assessment of future tropical cyclone risk

    There is considerable uncertainty surrounding future changes in tropical cyclone (TC) frequency a...

    N Bloemendaal, H de Moel, AB Martinez, S Muis, ID Haigh, K van der Wiel, RJ Haarsma, PJ Ward, MJ Roberts, JCM Dullaart, JCJH Aerts. | Journal: Science advances | Volume: 8 | Year: 2022 | First page: eabm8438 | doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abm8438


  2. Towards Quantifying the Uncertainty in Estimating Observed Scaling Rates

    Short-duration precipitation extremes (PE) increase at a rate of around 7%/K explained by the Cla...

    Haider Ali  , Hayley J. Fowler , David Pritchard, Geert Lenderink , Stephen Blenkinsop, and Elizabeth Lewis | Journal: Geophysical Research Letters | Year: 2022 | doi: 10.1029/2022GL099138


  3. A protocol for probabilistic extreme event attribution analyses

    Over the last few years, methods have been developed to answer questions on the effect of global ...

    SY Philip, SF Kew, GJ van Oldenborgh, FEL Otto, R Vautard, K van der Wiel, A King, F Lott, J Arrighi, R Singh, M van Aalst | Status: published | Journal: Adv. Stat. Clim. Meteorol. Oceanogr. | Volume: 6 | Year: 2020 | First page: 177 | Last page: 203 | doi:


  4. Projectie van de Elbe-zomerneerslag op de Rijn en de Maas; Onderzoek naar aanleiding van de recente overstromingen in Midden-Europa

    W van de Langeheem, JRA Onvlee, GP Können, J Schellekens (red.), JJ Beersma, TA Buishand, R Jilderda, E van Meijgaard, S Tijm, D Vogelezang | Year: 2002


  5. A new E-OBS gridded data set for daily mean wind speed for Europe

    In this paper we present daily mean wind speed as a new variable in the publicly accessible E-OBS...

    Jouke H.S. de Baar, Gerard van der Schrier, Else J.M. van den Besselaar, Irene Garcia-Marti, Cees de Valk | Journal: Int. J. Climatol. | Volume: 58 | Year: 2023 | First page: 6083 | Last page: 6100 | doi: 10.1002/joc.8191
