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First 53 results for ” RJH Dunn”

  1. Aspects of the Thermohaline Circulation in a simple model

    Klimaatmodellering kent een rijke traditie op het gebied van analytische modellen. Dat geldt zeke...

    G van der Schrier | University: Utrecht University | Year: 2000


  2. Leaf wetness within a lily canopy

    A wetness duration experiment was carried out within a lily field situated adjacent to coastal du...

    AFG Jacobs, BG Heusinkveld, EJ Klok | Status: published | Journal: Meteorological Applications (Royal Met. Society) | Volume: 12 | Year: 2005 | First page: 193 | Last page: 198 | doi: 10.1017/S1350482705001726


  3. Vertical profiles of the structure parameter of refractive index and the structure parameter of temperature in the earth 's atmosphere

    Vertical profiles of the structure parameter of temperature CT2 in the stable, nocturnal boundary...

    J.W.M. Cuijpers | Year: 1987 | Pages: 64
