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First 596 results for ” S. Beirle & M. C. Krol”

  1. PARMIO: A Reference Quality Model for Ocean Surface Emissivity and Backscatter from the Microwave to the Infrared

    The need for a community reference quality ocean emission and reflection model for use across a b...

    Emmanuel Dinnat, Stephen English, Catherine Prigent, Lise Kilic, Magdalena Anguelova, Stuart Newman, Thomas Meissner, Jacqueline Boutin, Ad Stoffelen, Simon Yueh, Ben Johnson, Fuzhong Weng , and Carlos Jimenez | Journal: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | Year: 2023 | First page: E742 | Last page: E748 | doi:


  2. In-orbit Earth reflectance validation of TROPOMI on board the Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite

    The goal of the study described in this paper is to determine the accuracy of the radiometric cal...

    L.G. Tilstra, M. de Graaf, P. Wang, P. Stammes | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 13 | Year: 2020 | First page: 4479 | Last page: 4497 | doi: 10.5194/amt-13-4479-2020


  3. Extended aerosol and surface characterization from S5P/TROPOMI with GRASP algorithm. Part I: Conditions, approaches, performance and new possibilities

    Atmospheric aerosols have strong impact on climate, environment, and health. To account correctly...

    P. Litvinov, C. Chen, O. Dubovik, L. Bindreiter, C. Matar, D. Fuertes, A. Lopatin, T. Lapyonok, V. Lanzinger, A. Hangler, M. Aspetsberger, M. de Graaf, L. G. Tilstra, P. Stammes, A. Dandocsi, D. Gasbarra, E. Fluck and C. Zehner and C. Retscher | Journal: Remote Sensing of Environment | Volume: 313 | Year: 2024 | First page: 113455 | doi:


  4. Current and future risk of unprecedented hydrological droughts in Great Britain

    The UK has experienced recurring hydrological droughts in the past and their frequency and severi...

    WCH Chan, NW Arnell, G Darch, K Facer-Childs, TG Shepherd, M Tanguy, K van der Wiel | Journal: Journal of Hydrology | Volume: 625 | Year: 2023 | First page: 130074 | doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130074



    KNMI is involved in the Level 2 scatterometer wind processing of the EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice S...

    A Stoffelen, M Portabella, A Verhoef, J Verspeek, J Vogelzang | Conference: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) | Organisation: IEEE | Place: Boston, USA | Year: 2008 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
