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First 712 results for ” C Eckert”

  1. User requirements for monitoring the evolution of stratospheric ozone at high vertical resolution ‘Operoz’: Operational ozone observations using limb geometry Final Report

    I Introduction The ESA study ‘User requirements for monitoring the evolution of stratospheric oz...

    Michiel van Weele, Rolf Müller, Martin Riese, Richard Engelen, Mark Parrington, Vincent-Henri Peuch, Mark Weber, Alexei Rozanov, Brian Kerridge, Alison Waterfall, Jolyon Reburn | Journal: knmi document | Year: 2015


  2. A comparison of content from across contemporary Australian population health surveys

    Objective Associations between place and population health are of interest to researchers and ...

    Branislava Godic, Selin Akaraci, Rajith Vidanaarachchi, Kerry Nice, Sachith Seneviratne, Suzanne Mavoa, Ruth Hunter, Leandro Garcia, Mark Stevenson, Jasper Wijnands, Jason Thompson | Journal: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health | Volume: 48 | Year: 2024 | First page: 100152 | doi:


  3. The Value-Add of Tailored Seasonal Forecast Information for Industry Decision Making

    There is a growing need for more systematic, robust, and comprehensive information on the value-a...

    Clare Mary Goodess , Alberto Troccoli , Nicholas Vasilakos, Stephen Dorling, Edward Steele, Jessica D. Amies, Hannah Brown, Katie Chowienczyk, Emma Dyer, Marco Formenton, Antonio M. Nicolosi, Elena Calcagni, Valentina Cavedon, Victor Estella Perez, Gertie Geertsema, Folmer Krikken, Kristian Lautrup Nielsen, Marcello Petitta, José Vidal, Martijn De Ruiter, Ian Savage and Jon Upton | Journal: Climate | Volume: 10 | Year: 2022 | First page: 152 | doi:


  4. Modeling drifting snow in Antarctica with a regional climate model: 1. Methods and model and evaluation

    To simulate the impact of drifting snow on the lower atmosphere, surface characteristics and surf...

    JTM Lenaerts, MR van den Broeke, SJ Dery, E van Meijgaard, WJ van de Berg, SP Palm, J Sanz Rodrigo | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 117 | Year: 2012 | First page: 1 | Last page: 17 | doi: 10.1029/2011JD016145


  5. Sensitivity of Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance to surface albedo parameterization: a study with a regional climate model

    JH Angelen, JTM Lenaerts, S Lhermitte, X Fettweis, P Kuipers Munneke, MR van den Broeke, E van Meijgaard, CJPP Smeets | Status: published | Journal: The Cryosphere | Volume: 6 | Year: 2012 | First page: 1175 | Last page: 1186 | doi: doi:10.5194/tc-6-1175-2012
