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First 631 results for ” BH Samset”

  1. Methode voor het genereren van uurneerslagreeksen in een toekomstig klimaat. Rapport in kader van project ‘regiospecifieke klimaatinformatie voor Haaglanden en Regio Rotterdam’ (KvKproject HSHL04/HSRR05)

    Het stedelijk en landelijk watersysteem in Zuid-Holland reageert snel op neerslag door het grote ...

    J Bessembinder | Year: 2012


  2. Bias correction and resampling of RACMO output for the hydrological modelling of the Rhine

    Extreme discharges of the Rhine are likely to change as a result of the changing climate. A commo...

    AMR Bakker, BJJM Van den Hurk | Year: 2011


  3. Back-up modellering van windmeetmasten op luchthavens

    Information about the wind speed and wind direction is of great importance for an airplane during...

    Ilja Smits | Year: 1999 | Pages: 71


  4. Extreme April heat in Spain, Portugal, Morocco & Algeria almost impossible without climate change Main findings • Heatwaves are amongst the deadliest natural h...

    Sjoukje Philip, Sarah Kew, Robert Vautard, M Vahlberg, R Singh, F Driouech, R Lguensat, C Barnes, F Otto | Year: 2023


  5. The classification of atmospheric hydrometeors and aerosols from the EarthCARE radar and lidar: the A-TC, C-TC and AC-TC products

    The EarthCARE mission aims to probe the Earth's atmosphere by measuring cloud and aerosol profile...

    Irbah, A., Delanoë, J., van Zadelhoff, G.-J., Donovan, D. P., Kollias, P., Puigdomènech Treserras, B., Mason, S., Hogan, R. J., and Tatarevic, A | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 16 | Year: 2023 | First page: 2795 | Last page: 2820 | doi: 10.5194/amt-16-2795-2023
