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First 597 results for ” E Christner”

  1. Recent improvements and maximum covariance analysis of aerosol and cloud properties in the EC-Earth3-AerChem model

    Given the importance of aerosols and clouds and their interactions in the climate system, it is i...

    MA Thomas, K Wyser, S Wang, M Chatziparaschos, P Georgakaki, M Costa-Surós, M Gonçalves Ageitos, M Kanakidou, C Pérez García-Pando, A Nenes, T van Noije, P Le Sager, A Devasthale | Journal: Geosci. Mod. Dev. | Volume: 17 | Year: 2024 | First page: 6903 | Last page: 6927 | doi: 10.5194/gmd-17-6903-2024


  2. Gang van zaken 1940-48 rond de 20.000 zoekgeraakte scheepsjournalen

    Tegen het einde van de tweede wereldoorlog, in de periode tussen December 1944 en Januari 1945, i...

    Hendrik Wallbrink, Frits Koek | Year: 2000 | Pages: 21
