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First 201 results for ” J Boe”

  1. Effect of aerosol microphysical properties on polarization of skylight: sensitivity study and measurements

    E Boesche, P Stammes, T Ruhtz, R Preusker, J Fischer | Status: published | Journal: Appl. Optics | Volume: 45 | Year: 2006 | First page: 8790 | Last page: 8805


  2. Trends and trend reversal detection in 2 decades of tropospheric NO2 satellite observations

    In this work, a ∼21-year global dataset from four different satellite sensors with a mid-morning ...

    AK Georgoulias, RJ van der A, P Stammes, KF Boersma, HJ Eskes | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 19 | Year: 2019 | First page: 6269 | Last page: 6294 | doi:


  3. The inclusion of latent heat in a three-level model with filtered equations and its influence upon development of depressions

    The inclusion of latent heat in a three-level model with filtered equations and its influence upo...

    L.C. Heijboer en A.W. den Exter Blokland | Year: 1974 | Pages: 65


  4. Operationele numerieke voorspellingen; overzicht en verifikatie over de periode 1978-1983

    Operationele numerieke voorspellingen; overzicht en verifikatie over de periode 1978-1983

    H. Timmerman, L.C. Heijboer en A. van der Hoek | Year: 1984 | Pages: 29


  5. OMI-based emission source classification in East China and its spatial redistribution in view of pollution control measures


    M. Zara, R. van der A, J. Ding, T. Stavrakou, F. Boersma | Journal: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | Volume: 196 | Year: 2024 | doi: 10.1007/s10661-024-12421-8
