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First 480 results for ” J Claas”

  1. Measurement Classes & Swath-names output product OMI-GDPS

    GHJ van den Oord | Year: 2002


  2. Spatial Classification of Precipitation from Operational Radar Data

    CZ van de Beek, R Uijlenhoet, I Holleman | Conference: 32nd conference on radar meteorology | Organisation: AMS | Place: Albuquerque | Year: 2005 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  3. Cb-Tcu classification based on radar and satellite observations

    Cumulonimbus and towering cumulus clouds form a threat for save aviation conditions. Their  dete...

    J.P.J.M.M. de Valk and R.M. van Westrhenen | Year: 2015 | Pages: 84


  4. CLARIFI, CLouds and Aerosol Radiative Interaction and Forcing Investigation

    The CLouds and Aerosol Radiative Interaction and Forcing Investigation (CLARIFI) project was carr...

    M de Graaf, LG Tilstra, P Stammes | Year: 2012 | Pages: 26


  5. Objectieve classificatie van dagelijkse 500 mbar patronen

    Objectieve classificatie van dagelijkse 500 mbar patronen

    S. Kruizinga | Year: 1978 | Pages: 38
