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First 740 results for ”Dean Roemmich”

  1. Differential impact of government lockdown policies on reducing air pollution levels and related mortality in Europe

    Previous studies have reported a decrease in air pollution levels following the enforcement of lo...

    Rochelle Schneider and John Douros | Journal: Nature, Scientific reports | Volume: 12, Article number: 726 | Year: 2022 | doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-04277-6


  2. Rainfall generator for the Rhine basin: nearest-neighbour resampling of daily circulation indices and conditional generation of weather variables

    This is the third progress report of a project on the development of a rainfall generator for the...

    Jules Beersma, Adri Buishand | Year: 1999 | Pages: 34


  3. Syntheserapport project Klimaatdienstverlening: Klimaatdienstverlening: Maatwerk

    This report summarizes the results of the project “Tailoring climate scenarios” (project CS7) of ...

    Dr. J.J.E. Bessembinder Drs. B.A. Overbeek Prof.Dr. B.J.J.M. van den Hurk Ir. A.M.R. Bakker | Year: 2011


  4. Framing climate uncertainty: using socio-economic and climate scenarios in assessing climate vulnerability and adaptation

    Scenarios have become a powerful tool in integrated assessment and policy analysis for climate ch...

    F Berkhout, B van den Hurk, J Bessembinder, J de Boer, B Bregman, M van Drunen | Status: published | Journal: Regional and Environmental Change | Volume: 14 | Year: 2014 | First page: 879 | Last page: 893


  5. A thermodynamically based model for actual evapotranspiration of an extensive grass field close to FAO reference, suitable for remote sensing application

    A thermodynamically based model is presented to estimate daily actual evapotranspiration, ET, of ...

    HAR de Bruin, IF Trigo, FC Bosveld, JF Meirink | Status: published | Journal: J. Hydrometeor. | Volume: 17 | Year: 2016 | First page: 1373 | Last page: 1382 | doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-15-0006.1
