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First 745 results for ” J Robinson”

  1. On photosynthesis parameters for the A-gs surface scheme for high vegetation

    A review of plant physiological based surface schemes is presented. For forest, it appeared that ...

    G.J. Steeneveld | Year: 2002 | Pages: 79


  2. Microgravity as a tool for eruption forecasting

    Detection of gravity change over time has been used to better understand magmatic activity at vol...

    Elske de Zeeuw - van Dalfsen, Michael P. Poland | Journal: Journal of Volcanology and geothermal research | Volume: 442 | Year: 2023 | doi:


  3. Estimating trends and the current climate mean in a changing climate

    Describing the climate evolution using trend lines and estimating the current climate mean (CCM) ...

    Scherrer, S. C., de Valk, C., Begert, M., Gubler, S., Kotlarski, S., & Croci-Maspoli, M. | Journal: Climate Services | Volume: 33 | Year: 2024 | doi:


  4. A perfect model study on the reliability of the added small-scale information in regional climate change projections

    he issue of the added value (AV) of high resolution regional climate models is complex and still ...

    Lenderink, Geert, de Vries, Hylke, van Meijgaard, Erik, van der Wiel, Karin and Selten, Frank | Journal: Climate Dynamics | Volume: 60 | Year: 2023 | First page: 2563 | Last page: 2579 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-022-06451-6


  5. The Value-Add of Tailored Seasonal Forecast Information for Industry Decision Making

    There is a growing need for more systematic, robust, and comprehensive information on the value-a...

    Clare Mary Goodess , Alberto Troccoli , Nicholas Vasilakos, Stephen Dorling, Edward Steele, Jessica D. Amies, Hannah Brown, Katie Chowienczyk, Emma Dyer, Marco Formenton, Antonio M. Nicolosi, Elena Calcagni, Valentina Cavedon, Victor Estella Perez, Gertie Geertsema, Folmer Krikken, Kristian Lautrup Nielsen, Marcello Petitta, José Vidal, Martijn De Ruiter, Ian Savage and Jon Upton | Journal: Climate | Volume: 10 | Year: 2022 | First page: 152 | doi:
