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First 742 results for ”P Jenniskens”

  1. Blue-green roofs with forecast-based operation to reduce the impact of weather extremes

    Conventional green roofs have often been criticised for their limited water buffer capacity durin...

    Tim Busker, Hans de Moel, Toon Haer, Maurice Schmeits, Bart van den Hurk, Kira Myers, Dirk Gijsbert Cirkel, and Jeroen Aerts | Journal: Journal of Environmental Management | Volume: 301 | Year: 2022 | doi:


  2. Comparing Sentinel-5P TROPOMI NO2 column observations with the CAMS regional air quality ensemble

    The Sentinel-5P TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) instrument, launched in October 2017...

    John Douros, Henk Eskes, Jos van Geffen, K. Folkert Boersma, Steven Compernolle, Gaia Pinardi, Anne-Marlene Blechschmidt, Vincent-Henri Peuch, Augustin Colette, and Pepijn Veefkind | Journal: GMD | Volume: Volume 16, Issue 2 | Year: 2023 | doi:


  3. Spaceborne Observations of Lightning NO2 in the Arctic


    Xin Zhang, Ronald van der A, Jieying Ding, Henk Eskes, Jos van Geffen, Yan Yin, Juliëtte Anema, Chris Vagasky, Jeff L. Lapierre, and Xiang Kuang | Journal: Environmental Science & Technology | Volume: 57 | Year: 2023 | First page: 2322 | Last page: 2332 | doi:


  4. Sentinel-5P TROPOMI NO2 retrieval: impact of version v2.2 improvements and comparisons with OMI and ground-based data

    Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is one of the main data products measured by the Tropospheric Monitoring I...

    Van Geffen, J.H.G.M., Eskes, H.J., Compernolle, S., Pinardi, G., Verhoelst, T., Lambert, J.-C., Sneep, M., ter Linden, M., Ludewig, A., Boersma, K.F. and Veefkind, J.P | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 15 | Year: 2022 | doi:


  5. Top-Down NOX Emissions of European Cities Based on the Downwind Plume of Modelled and Space-Borne Tropospheric NO2 Columns

    Top-down estimates of surface NOX emissions were derived for 23 European cities based on the down...

    Verstraeten, Willem W., Klaas Folkert Boersma, John Douros, Jason E. Williams, Henk Eskes, Fei Liu, Steffen Beirle, and Andy Delcloo | Journal: Sensors | Volume: 18, no. 9: 2893 | Year: 2018 | doi:
