The US Maury Collection Metadata 1796-1861
The U.S. Maury Collection (1796 1861), further denoted as MC, has been digitized in China during ...
Hendrik Wallbrink, Frits Koek, Theo Brandsma | Year: 2009 | Pages: 59
Investigating MSG-SEVIRI data as an additional predictor source in the KNMI probabilistic (severe) thunderstorm forecasting system
Thunderstorms can be a serious threat to society. In the Netherlands, the Royal Netherlands Meteo...
VA van Gastel | Year: 2012 | Pages: 65
A regional peaks-over-threshold model in a nonstationary climate
Regional frequency analysis is often used to reduce the uncertainty in the estimation of distribu...
M Roth, TA Buishand, G Jongbloed, AMG Klein Tank, JH van Zanten | Status: published | Journal: Water Resour. Res. | Volume: 48 | Year: 2012 | First page: W11533 | doi: 10.1029/2012WR012214
Calibration and Validation of ASCAT Winds, version 5.1
Based on the OSI SAF cone visualisation tools at KNMI and the NOC corrections, calibration of the...
J Verspeek, M Portabella, A Stoffelen, A Verhoef | Year: 2013
Second-order structure function analysis of scatterometer winds over the Tropical Pacific
Kolmogorov second-order structure functions (second moment of velocity differences) are used to c...
G King, J Vogelzang, A Stoffelen | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 120 | Year: 2014 | doi: 10.1002/2014JC009992