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First 830 results for ”E.M.J. Meijer”

  1. Cloud property datasets retrieved from AVHRR, MODIS, AATSR and MERIS in the framework of the Cloud cci project

    New cloud property datasets based on measurements from the passive imaging satellite sensors AVHR...

    Stengel, Stapelberg, Sus, Schlundt, Poulsen, Thomas, Christensen, Carbajal Henken, Preusker, Fischer, Devasthale, Willen, Karlsson, McGarragh, Proud, Povey, Grainger, Meirink, Feofilov, Bennartz, Bojanowski, Hollmann | Status: published | Journal: Earth System Science Data | Volume: 9 | Year: 2017 | First page: 881 | Last page: 904 | doi: 10.5194/essd-9-881-2017


  2. Monitoring Beach Topography and Nearshore Bathymetry Using Spaceborne Remote Sensing: A Review

    With high anthropogenic pressure and the effects of climate change (e.g., sea level rise) on coas...

    Salameh, E.; Frappart, F.; Almar, R.; Baptista, P.; Heygster, G.; Lubac, B.; Raucoules, D.; Almeida, L.P.; Bergsma, E.W.J.; Capo, S.; De Michele, M.; Idier, D.; Li, Z.; Marieu, V.; Poupardin, A.; Silva, P.A.; Turki, I.; Laignel, B. | Journal: Remote Sensing | Volume: 11 | Year: 2019 | First page: 1-32 | doi:


  3. CLARA-A2: the second edition of the CM SAF cloud and radiation data record from 34 years of global AVHRR data

    The second edition of the satellite-derived climate data record CLARA (The CM SAF Cloud, Albedo A...

    Karlsson, K.-G., Anttila, K., Trentmann, J., Stengel, M., Meirink, J. F., Devasthale, A., Hanschmann, T., Kothe, S., J¨a¨askel¨ainen, E., Sedlar, J., Benas, N., van Zadelhoff, G.-J., Schlundt, C., Stein, D., Finkensieper, S., H°akansson, N., and Hollmann, R | Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Year: 2017 | doi:


  4. CLAAS-3: the third edition of the CM SAF cloud data record based on SEVIRI observations

    CLAAS-3, the third edition of the Cloud property dAtAset using SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible ...

    Nikos Benas, Irina Solodovnik, Martin Stengel, Imke Hüser, Karl-Göran Karlsson, Nina Håkansson, Erik Johansson, Salomon Eliasson, Marc Schröder, Rainer Hollmann, and Jan Fokke Meirink | Journal: Earth System Science Data | Volume: 15 | Year: 2023 | First page: 5153 | Last page: 5170 | doi: 10.5194/essd-15-5153-2023


  5. Multimodel ensemble simulations of present-day and near-future tropospheric ozone

    Global tropospheric ozone distributions, budgets, and radiative forcings from an ensemble of 26 s...

    DS Stevenson, FJ Dentener, MG Schultz, K Ellingsen, TPC van Noije, O Wild, G Zeng, M Amann, CS Atherton, N Bell, DJ Bergmann, I Bey, T Butler, J Cofala, WJ Collins, RG Derwent, RM Doherty, J Drevet, HJ Eskes, AM Fiore, M Gauss, DA Hauglustaine, LW Horowitz, ISA Isaksen, MC Krol, J-F Lamarque, MG Lawrence, V Montanaro, J-F Müller, G Pitari, MJ Prather, JA Pyle, S Rast, JM Rodriguez, MG Sanderson, NH Savage, DT Shindell, SE Strahan, K Sudo, S Szopa | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 111 | Year: 2006 | First page: D08301 | doi: 10.1029/2005JD006338
