De kleine vraagbaak van het Kyoto protocol
Vragen over ontstaan, inwerkingtreding en uitvoering van het Kyoto Protocol. Korte uitleg over wa...
B Schoenmakers, L van den Brink, R van Dorland | Year: 2005 | Publisher: PCCC
The temporal variation of evaporation from the Sudd wetland and its bio-physical and hydrological interpretation
This paper describes a new methodology to describe the water use from Africas largest wetland (Su...
Y Mohamed, WGM Bastiaanssen, H Savenije, BJJM van den Hurk | Status: submitted | Journal: Int.J.Remote Sensing | Year: 2004
The 1997/1998 El Niño
The 1997/1998 El Niño: a record event. El Niño, out of the remote vastness of the tropical Pacif...
G Burgers, GJ van Oldenborgh | Year: 1999
Crowdsourcing urban air temperatures through smartphone battery temperatures in São Paulo, Brazil
Crowdsourcing as a method to obtain and apply vast datasets is rapidly becoming prominent in mete...
Droste, Pape, Overeem, Leijnse, Steeneveld, Delden, Uijlenhoet | Status: published | Journal: J. Atm. Oceanic Technol. | Volume: 34 | Year: 2017 | First page: 1853 | Last page: 1866 | doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-16-0150.1
Impact of wind waves on the air-sea fluxes: A coupled model
A revised wind-over-wave-coupling model is developed to provide a consistent description of
the s...
Kudryavtsev, Chapron, Makin | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Year: 2014 | First page: 1217 | Last page: 1236 | doi: 10.1002/2013JC009412