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First 817 results for ” Serhat”

  1. Implications of the KNMI'14 climate scenarios for the discharge of the Rhine and Meuse; comparison with earlier scenario studies

    In this assessment we investigate potential changes in discharge for the rivers Meuse and Rhine d...

    F Sperna Weiland, M Hegnauer, L Bouaziz, JJ Beersma | Year: 2015


  2. North Sea wind climatology Part 1: a review of existing wind atlases

    The national government needs high quality offshore wind climatology at and around hub height to ...

    I.L. Wijnant, H.W. van den Brink and A. Stepek | Year: 2014 | Pages: 66


  3. KNMI contribution to the European project WRINCLE: downscaling relationships for precipitation for several European sites

    Statistical downscaling of precipitation refers to statistical techniques that have been used to ...

    BR Beckmann, TA Buishand | Year: 2001


  4. Severe wind gust thresholds for Meteoalarm derived from uniform return periods in ECA&D

    This study presents guidelines for wind gust warning thresholds in Meteoalarm, the severe weather...

    A Stepek, IL Wijnant, G van der Schrier, EJM van den Besselaar, AMG Klein Tank | Conference: 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering | Place: Amsterdam | Year: 2011 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  5. Interpolating wind speed from the sparse Dutch network to a higher resolution grid using local roughness from land use maps

    There are different ways of creating gridded maps from observations. The aim of this study was to...

    A Stepek, IL Wijnant, G Groen, P Hiemstra, R Sluiter | Conference: 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering | Place: Amsterdam | Year: 2011 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
