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First 798 results for ” JP Calvo”

  1. Vergelijking van diverse methodes voor de berekening van zonneschijnduur uit globale straling

    For many years sunshine hours have been recorded using manually operated meteorological stations....

    Jarno Schipper | Year: 2004 | Pages: 44


  2. Intercomparison of MAX-DOAS vertical profile retrieval algorithms: studies on field data from the CINDI-2 campaign

    The second Cabauw Intercomparison of Nitrogen Dioxide measuring Instruments (CINDI-2) took place ...

    Tirpitz, J.-L., Frieß, U., Hendrick, F., Alberti, C., Allaart, M., Apituley, A., Bais, A., Beirle, S., Berkhout, S., Bognar, K., Bösch, T., Bruchkouski, I., Cede, A., Chan, K. L., den Hoed, M., Donner, S., Drosoglou, T., Fayt, C., Friedrich, M. M., Frumau, A., Gast, L., Gielen, C., Gomez-Martín, L., Hao, N., Hensen, A., Henzing, B., Hermans, C., Jin, J., Kreher, K., Kuhn, J., Lampel, J., Li, A., Liu, C., Liu, H., Ma, J., Merlaud, A., Peters, E., Pinardi, G., Piters, A., Platt, U., Puentedura, O., Richter, A., Schmitt, S., Spinei, E., Stein Zweers, D., Strong, K., Swart, D., Tack, F., Tiefengraber, M., van der Hoff, R., van Roozendael, M., Vlemmix, T., Vonk, J., Wagner, T., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Wenig, M., Wiegner, M., Wittrock, F., Xie, P., Xing, C., Xu, J., Yela, M., Zhang, C., and Zhao, X. | Journal: Atmos. Meas. Tech. | Volume: 14 | Year: 2021 | First page: 1 | Last page: 35 | doi: 10.5194/amt-14-1-2021


  3. Nitrogen oxides in the free troposphere: implications for tropospheric oxidants and the interpretation of satellite NO2 measurements

    Satellite-based retrievals of tropospheric NO2 columns are widely used to infer NOx (≡ NO + NO2) ...

    Shah, V., Jacob, D. J., Dang, R., Lamsal, L. N., Strode, S. A., Steenrod, S. D., Boersma, K. F., Eastham, S. D., Fritz, T. M., Thompson, C., Peischl, J., Bourgeois, I., Pollack, I. B., Nault, B. A., Cohen, R. C., Campuzano-Jost, P., Jimenez, J. L., Andersen, S. T., Carpenter, L. J., Sherwen, T., and Evans, M. J. | Journal: Atmos Chem Phys | Volume: 23 | Year: 2023 | First page: 1227 | Last page: 1257 | doi:


  4. The US Maury Collection Metadata 1796-1861

    The U.S. Maury Collection (1796 1861), further denoted as MC, has been digitized in China during ...

    Hendrik Wallbrink, Frits Koek, Theo Brandsma | Year: 2009 | Pages: 59


  5. Decomposing the effective radiative forcing of anthropogenic aerosols based on CMIP6 Earth system models

    Anthropogenic aerosols play a major role in the Earth–atmosphere system by influencing the Earth'...

    A Kalisoras, AK Georgoulias, D Akritidis, RJ Allen, V Naik, C Kuo, S Szopa, P Nabat, D Olivié, T van Noije, P Le Sager, D Neubauer, N Oshima, J Mulcahy, LW Horowitz, P Zanis | Journal: Atmos. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 24 | Year: 2024 | First page: 7837 | Last page: 7872 | doi: 10.5194/acp-24-7837-2024
