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First 814 results for ” N Weber”

  1. Temperature climatology for Schiphol (the Netherlands), for present-day and climate scenarios in 2050

    In this report, a climatology of temperature is presented for Schiphol Airport (hereafter denoted...

    Dirk Wolters and Jules Beersma | Year: 2012 | Pages: 36


  2. Interpolation Methods for the Climate Atlas

    For the production of the maps in the Climate Atlas 1981-2010 (Klimaatatlas 1981- 2010) the entir...

    Dr. R. Sluiter | Year: 2012 | Pages: 74


  3. High resolution solar irradiance variability climatology dataset part 1: direct, diffuse, and global irradiance

    High resolution surface solar irradiance observations from the Baseline Surface Radiation Network...

    Knap, Wouter H. and Wouter B. Mol | Journal: Zenodo | Year: 2022 | doi:


  4. Implementation of FAIR principles in the IPCC: the WGI AR6 Atlas repository

    The Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has ado...

    Maialen Iturbide, Jesús Fernández, José M. Gutiérrez, Anna Pirani, David Huard, Alaa Al Khourdajie, Jorge Baño-Medina, Joaquin Bedia, Ana Casanueva, Ezequiel Cimadevilla, Antonio S. Cofiño, Matteo De Felice, Javier Diez-Sierra, Markel García-Díez, James Goldie, Dimitris A. Herrera, Sixto Herrera, Rodrigo Manzanas, Josipa Milovac, Aparna Radhakrishnan, Daniel San-Martín, Alessandro Spinuso, Kristen M. Thyng, Claire Trenham, Özge Yelekçi | Journal: Nature Scientific Data | Year: 2022 | doi:


  5. S-ProvFlow. Storing and Exploring Lineage Data as a Service

    We present a set of configurable Web service and interactive tools, s-ProvFlow, for managing and ...

    Alessandro Spinuso, Malcolm Atkinson, Federica Magnoni | Journal: Data Intelligence | Year: 2022 | doi:
