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First 1039 results for ” Daley Adrichem”

  1. Calm ocean, stormy sea: Atmospheric and oceanographic observations of the Atlantic during the ARC ship campaign

    During the Atlantic References and Convection (ARC) ship campaign with the reference MSM114/2, wh...

    Laura Köhler, Julia Windmiller, Dariusz Baranowski, Michał Brennek, Michał Ciuryło, Lennéa Hayo, Daniel Kepski, Stefan Kinne, Beata Latos, Bertrand Lobo, Tobias Marke, Timo Nischik, Daria Paul, Piet Stammes, Artur Szkop, Olaf Tuinder | Journal: ESSD | Year: 2024 | doi:


  2. Recommendation for the discrimination of human-related and natural seismicity (Letter to the Editor)

    Various techniques are utilized by the seismological community, extractive industries, energy and...

    T Dahm, D Becker, M Bischoff, S Cesca, B Dost, R Fritschen, S Hainzl, C Klose, D Kuehn, S Lasocki, T Meier, M Ohrnberger, E Rivalta, U Wegler, S Husen | Status: published | Journal: J. Seism. | Year: 2012 | doi: 10.1007/s10950-012-9295-6


  3. The GABLS Third Intercomparison Case for Boundary Layer Model Evaluation Part B: Results and Process Understanding

    This study describes and analyzes the results of the third GEWEX Atmospheric Boundary Layer Studi...

    FC Bosveld, P Baas, GJ Steeneveld, AAM Holtslag, WM Angevine, E Bazile, EIF de Bruijn, D Deacu, JM Edwards, M Ek, VE Larson, JE Pleim, M Raschendorfer, G Svensson | Status: published | Journal: Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | Volume: 152 | Year: 2014 | First page: 157 | Last page: 187 | doi: 10.1007/s10546-014-9919-1


  4. Interannual coupling between summertime surface temperature and precipitation: processes and implications for climate change

    Widespread negative correlations between summertime-mean temperatures and precipitation over land...

    A Berg, B Lintner, K Findell, S Seneviratne, B van den Hurk, A Ducharne, F Cheruy, S Hagemann, D Lawrence, S Malyshev, A Meier, P Gentine | Status: accepted | Journal: J. Climate | Year: 2014


  5. THE EARTHCARE SATELLITE: The next step forward in global measurements of clouds, aerosols, precipitation and radiation.

    The collective representation within global models of aerosol, cloud, precipitation, and their ra...

    IJ Illingworth, HW Barker, A Beljaars, M Ceccaldi, H Chepfer, J Cole, J Delanoë, C Domenech, DP Donovan, S Fukuda, M Hirakata, RJ Hogan, A Huenerbein, P Kollias, GJ van Zadelhoff | Status: published | Journal: Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. | Year: 2014 | doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00227.1
