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First 1005 results for ”E Echternach”

  1. Influences of inertia-gravity waves on the permeability of the Antarctic polar vortex edge

    Tijdens de wintermaanden juni tot en met september op het Zuidelijk Halfrond bestaat er een groot...

    MC Öllers | University: TU Eindhoven | Year: 2003


  2. Status and future direction of operational radar application at KNMI

    KNMI operates two C-band Doppler radars (Gematronik Meteor 360 AC). Currently, the reflectivity d...

    I Holleman, HRA Wessels, RM van Westrhenen, JH Beekhuis | Conference: 30th Conference on Radar Meteorology | Organisation: AMS | Place: Munchen | First page: 73 | Last page: 75


  3. Hail detection using single-polarization radar

    Within the framework of the project ``Development of a product for detection of severe weather ph...

    I Holleman | Year: 2001


  4. Storm activity over the North Sea and the Netherlands in two climate models compared with observations

    An intercomparison of wind characteristics over the North Sea and the Netherlands is made between...

    JJ Beersma | Year: 1994 | Pages: 0


  5. Preliminary evaluation of precipitation extremes in RCM data for the Rhine basin

    A regional GEV model with time-varying parameters is developed for modelling precipitation extrem...

    M Hanel, TA Buishand | Year: 2008
