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First 2959 results for ” A Protonotariou”

  1. De kleine vraagbaak van het Kyoto protocol

    Vragen over ontstaan, inwerkingtreding en uitvoering van het Kyoto Protocol. Korte uitleg over wa...

    B Schoenmakers, L van den Brink, R van Dorland | Year: 2005 | Publisher: PCCC


  2. Scientific Prototype Report for Ozone Prodile and Aerosol Products

    RF van Oss | Year: 2000


  3. A protocol for probabilistic extreme event attribution analyses

    Over the last few years, methods have been developed to answer questions on the effect of global ...

    SY Philip, SF Kew, GJ van Oldenborgh, FEL Otto, R Vautard, K van der Wiel, A King, F Lott, J Arrighi, R Singh, M van Aalst | Status: published | Journal: Adv. Stat. Clim. Meteorol. Oceanogr. | Volume: 6 | Year: 2020 | First page: 177 | Last page: 203 | doi:


  4. A realistic freshwater forcing protocol for ocean-coupled climate models

    A high-end scenario of polar ice loss from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheet is presented wit...

    J van den Berk, SS Drijfhout | Status: published | Journal: Ocean Mod. | Volume: 81 | Year: 2014 | First page: 36 | Last page: 48 | doi: doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.07.003


  5. Promote protocol monitoring for the GMES service element for atmosphere

    RJ van der A | Year: 2005
