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First 377 results for ” C Camy-Peyret”

  1. 2Theoretical studies of the impact of Doppler Wind Lidar data: the preparation of a data base

    A Stoffelen, J Eyre, B Becker | Year: 1994


  2. CAMELOT Final Report

    This is the final report of the CAMELOT (Chemistry of the Atmosphere Mission concEpts and sentine...

    JP Veefkind, PF Levelt, BJ Kerridge, R Siddans, G de Leeuw, J Remedios, PF Coheur | Year: 2009


  3. CAMELOT Executive Summary

    This report is the executive summary of the CAMELOT (Chemistry of the Atmosphere Mission concEpts...

    JP Veefkind, PF Levelt, BJ Kerridge, R Siddans, G de Leeuw, J Remedios, PF Coheur | Year: 2009


  4. CAMELOT Geophysical scenarios for simulations

    G de Leeuw, M van Weele, H Jaervinen, T Mielonen | Year: 2008


  5. OMI Validation Needs from Airborne Campaigns

    M Kroon, EJ Brinksma, RD McPeters | Year: 2006
