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First 2757 results for ” J van Vliet”

  1. De invloed van mast en de uithouders op de windmeting te Cabauw

    Sinds december 1972 is de 213 m hoge meetmast van het K.N.M.I te Cabauw in gebruik (Van Ulden e...

    J.G. van der Vliet | Year: 1981 | Pages: 78


  2. The KNMI Garderen Experiment, micro-meteorological observations 1988-1989; instruments and data

    The KNMI Garderen Experiment, micro-meteorological observations 1988-1989; instruments and data

    FC Bosveld, JG van der Vliet, WAA Monna | Year: 1998 | Pages: 60


  3. Temperature and wind observations at height from 2 m to 200 m at Cabauw in 1973. (+ suppl.)

    The 215 m high meteorological mast in Cabauw, the Netherlands, is briefly described with respect ...

    A.P. van Ulden, J.G. van der Vliet and J. Wieringa | Year: 1976 | Pages: 205


  4. To new heights by flying low: Comparison of aircraft vertical NO2 profiles to model simulations and implications for TROPOMI NO2 retrievals

    The sensitivity of satellites to air pollution close to the sea surface is decreased by the scatt...

    T. Riess K.F. Boersma W. van Roy J. de Laat E. Dammers J. van Vliet | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 16 | Year: 2023 | First page: 5287 | Last page: 5304 | doi: 10.5194/amt-16-5287-2023


  5. Crau 1987: the KNMI contribution

    Crau 1987: the KNMI contribution

    W.Kohsiek, J.G. van der Vliet, W.A.A. Monna | Year: 1988 | Pages: 50
