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First 2194 results for ” K Langerman”

  1. Probabilistic forecasts of winter thunderstorms around Schiphol Airport using Model Output Statistics

    The development and verification of a probabilistic forecast system for winter thunderstorms in t...

    A Slangen | Year: 2008 | Pages: 55


  2. Quality information for radars and radar data

    The workplan of the second phase of the EUMETNET OPERA program (2004-2006) contains a work packag...

    I Holleman, D Michelson, G Galli, U Germann, M Peura | Year: 2005


  3. Quality information for radars and radar data

    The workplan of the second phase of the EUMETNET OPERA program (2004-2006) contains a work packag...

    I Holleman, D Michelson, G Galli, U Germann, M Peura | Year: 2005


  4. The effect of weatherships on numerical analysis and prediction

    The effect of weatherships on numerical analysis and prediction 

    H. Timmerman | Year: 1979 | Pages: 16


  5. Hebben neerslagmeters hun langste tijd gehad?

    Binnen Nederland zijn de waterschappen grootverbruikers van actuele en accurate neerslag-informat...

    J Heijkers, I Holleman, P Schaper | Journal: H2O | Volume: 18 | Year: 2005 | First page: 38 | Last page: 40
