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First 128 results for ”T Popp”

  1. Production of precipitation scenarios for impact assessment of climate change in Europe (POPSICLE).

    CG Kilsby, TA Buishand, PD Jones | Year: 1999


  2. Effective Radius of Ice Cloud Particle Populations Derived from Aircraft Probes

    The effective radius (re) is a crucial variable in representing the radiative properties of cloud...

    AJ Heymsfield, C Schmitt, A Bansemer, GJ van Zadelhoff, MJ McGill, C Twohy, D Baumgardner | Status: published | Journal: J. Atm. Ocean. Tech. | Volume: 23 | Year: 2006 | First page: 361 | Last page: 380 | doi: 10.1175/JTECH1857.1


  3. MERIS albedo climatology for FRESCO+ O2 A-band cloud retrieval

    C Popp, P Wang, D Brunner, P Stammes, Y Zhou, M Grzegorski | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Year: 2011 | doi: doi:10.5194/amt-4-463-2011


  4. Development, production and evaluation of aerosol climate data records from european satellite observations (Aerosol_cci)

    Producing a global and comprehensive description of atmospheric aerosols requires integration of ...

    T Popp, ............, D Stein Zweers, ............, LG Tilstra, ............, P Veefkind, ............, Y Xue | Status: published | Journal: Remote Sensing | Volume: 8 | Year: 2016 | doi: 10.3390/rs8050421


  5. Model-based Prediction of nephropathia epidemica outbreaks based on climatological and vegetation data and bank voles population dynamics

    S Amirpour Haredasht, JC Taylor, P Maes, J Clement, WW Verstraeten, M Van Ranst, P Coppin, D Berckmans, JM Aerts | Status: published | Journal: Zoonoses and Public Health | Volume: 60 | Year: 2013 | First page: 461 | Last page: 477
