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First 1398 results for ” R Döscher”

  1. Evidence for Long-range Transport of Carbon Monoxide in the Southern Hemisphere from SCIAMACHY observations

    The SCIAMACHY satellite instrument shows enhanced carbon monoxide (CO) columns in the Southern He...

    AMS Gloudemans, MC Krol, JF Meirink, ATJ de Laat, GR van der Werf, H Schrijver, MMP van den Broek, I Aben | Status: published | Journal: Geophys. Res. Lett. | Volume: 33 | Year: 2006 | doi: 10.1029/2006GL026804


  2. Validation of SCIAMACHY products

    AJM Piters, RJ van der A, MAF Allaart, H Eskes, N Fournier, M de Graaf, H Kelder, D Lolkema, A Segers, C Schrijvers, P Stammes, G Tilstra | Year: 2006


  3. Vertical profiling of aerosol hygroscopic properties in the planetary boundary layer during the PEGASOS campaigns

    Vertical profiles of the aerosol particles hygroscopic properties, their mixing state as well as ...

    B Rosati, M Gysel, F Rubach, TF Mentel, B Goger, L Poulain, P Schlag, P Miettinen, A Pajunoja, A Virtanen, H Klein Baltink, B Henzing, J Groz, GP Gobbi, A Wiedensohler | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 16 | Year: 2016 | First page: 7295 | Last page: 7315 | doi: 10.5194/acp-16-7295-2016


  4. Human influence on climate in the 2014 southern England winter floods and their impacts

    A succession of storms reaching southern England in the winter of 2013/2014 caused severe floods ...

    N Schaller, A Kay, NR Massey, GJ van Oldenborgh, FEL Otto, SN Sparrow, R Vautard, P Yiou, I Ashpole, A Bowery, S Crooks, K Haustein, C Huntingford, ..., MR Allen | Status: published | Journal: Nature Climate Change | Year: 2016 | doi: 10.1038/nclimate2927


  5. Data assimilation of satellite-retrieved ozone, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide with ECMWF's Composition-IFS

    Daily global analyses and 5-day forecasts are generated in the context of the European Monitoring...

    A Inness, A Blechschmidt, I Bouarar, S Chabrillat, M Crepulja, R Engelen, H Eskes, J Flemming, A Gaudel, F Hendrick, V Huijnen, L Jones, J Kapsomenakis, E Katragkou | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2015 | First page: 5275 | Last page: 5303 | doi:
