Recurrence intervals for the closure of the Dutch Maeslant surge barrier
The Dutch Maeslant Barrier, a movable surge barrier in the mouth of the river Rhine, closes when ...
HW van den Brink, S de Goederen | Status: published | Journal: Ocean Science | Volume: 13 | Year: 2017 | First page: 691 | Last page: 701 | doi: 10.5194/os-13-691-2017
Attribution of human-induced dynamical and thermodynamical contributions in extreme weather events
We present a new method that allows a separation of the attribution of human influence in extreme...
R Vautard, P Yiou, FEL Otto, PA Stott, N Christidis, GJ van Oldenborgh, N Schaller | Status: published | Journal: Environmental Research Letters | Volume: 11 | Year: 2016 | First page: 114009 | doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/11/11/114009
The influence of the North Sea on coastal precipitation in the Netherlands in the present-day and future climate
Coastal precipitation in the Netherlands for present-day and future climate using observations an...
JJ Attema, G Lenderink | Status: published | Journal: Clim. Dyn. | Volume: 42 | Year: 2014 | First page: 505 | Last page: 519 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-013-1665-4
Modeling convective transistions in the presence of sea-ice
A substantial part of the variability in the thermohaline circulation on decadal and longer times...
G Lenderink, RJ Haarsma | Status: published | Journal: J. Phys. Oceanogr. | Volume: 26 | Year: 1996 | First page: 1448 | Last page: 1467
On the mechanism of decadal oscillations in a coarse resolution ocean model
The physical mechanism that causes an interdecadal oscillation in a coarse resolution sector ocea...
G Lenderink, RJ Haarsma | Status: published | Journal: Atmosphere-Ocean | Volume: 37 | Year: 1999 | First page: 179 | Last page: 202