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First 1150 results for ” R Goossens”

  1. Duurtest LD40 en FD12P op Meetpost Noordwijk

    The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) is planning the installation and/or replace...

    Wiel Wauben | Year: 2003 | Pages: 62


  2. Extreme heat in North America, Europe and China in July 2023 made much more likely by climate change Main findings ● Heatwaves are among the deadliest natural h...

    Zachariah, M & Philip, S & Pinto, I & Vahlberg, M& Singh, R & Otto, F & Barnes, C & Kimutai, J | Year: 2024


  3. Exchange Processes between a Coniferous Forest and the Atmosphere

    This thesis deals with the research question: which processes are relevant in controlling the exc...

    FC Bosveld | University: Wageningen | Year: 1999


  4. Extreme winds and sea-surges in climate models

    This thesis deals with the problem of how to estimate values of meteorological parameters that co...

    HW van den Brink | University: Universiteit Utrecht | Year: 2005


  5. Construction of earthquake location uncertainty maps for the Netherlands

    A large part of the Netherlands is covered by a thick blanket of unconsolidated sediments. In the...

    E. Ruigrok, P. Kruiver, B. Dost | Year: 2023 | Pages: 158
