On the connection between upper atmospheric dynamics and tropospheric parameters: Correlation between mesopause region winds and the North Atlantic Oscillation.
The middle- and high-latitude stratospheric and mesospheric wind field in winter is dominated by ...
C Jacobi, B Beckmann | Status: published | Journal: Climatic Change | Volume: 43 | Year: 1999 | First page: 629 | Last page: 643
KNMI Radar Methods
Herman R.A. Wessels has worked as a (senior) scientist at KNMI from 1962 until his retirement in ...
HRA Wessels | Year: 2006 | Pages: 125
ASCAT L2 winds Data Record validation report version 1.2
This report contains validation information about the Metop-A/ASCAT wind Climate Data Record (CDR...
A Verhoef, J Vogelzang, A Stoffelen | Year: 2016
Mass balance of a slope glacier on Kilimanjaro and its sensitivity to climate
Meteorological and glaciological measurements obtained at 5,873 m a.s.l. on Kersten Glacier, a sl...
T Mölg, DR Hardy, G Kaser, EJ Klok, NJ Cullen | Status: published | Journal: Int. J. Climatology | Year: 2007
Predicting rainfall in the Dutch Caribbean - more than El Niño?
A strong relationship between ENSO and rainfall in the main rain season (Oct-Jan) on the leeward ...
A Martis, GJ van Oldenborgh, G Burgers | Status: published | Journal: Int. J. Climatology | Volume: 22 | Year: 2002 | First page: 1219 | Last page: 1234 | doi: 10.1002/joc.779