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First 1263 results for ” WAH Asman”

  1. Evaluation of natural aerosols in CRESCENDO-ESMs: Mineral Dust

    This paper presents an analysis of the mineral dust aerosol modelled by five Earth system models ...

    R Checa-Garcia, Y Balkanski, S Albani, T Bergman, K Carslaw, A Cozic, C Dearden, B Marticorena, M Michou, T van Noije, P Nabat, FM O'Connor, D Olivié, JM Prospero, P Le Sager, M Schulz, C Scott | Status: submitted | Journal: Atmos. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 21 | Year: 2021 | First page: 10295 | Last page: 10335 | doi: 10.5194/acp-21-10295-2021


  2. Surface wind over Europe: Data and variability

    This work improves the characterization and knowledge of the surface wind climatology over Europe...

    Cristina Rojas-Labanda, Fidel González-Rouco, Elena García-Bustamante, Jorge Navarro, Etor E. Lucio-Eceiza, Gerard Van der Schrier, Frank Kaspar | Journal: Int. J. Climatol. | Volume: 43 | Year: 2023 | First page: 134 | Last page: 156 | doi: 10.1002/joc.7739


  3. Record high solar irradiance in Western Europe during first COVID-19 lockdown largely due to unusual weather

    Spring 2020 broke sunshine duration records across Western Europe. The Netherlands recorded the h...

    Chiel C. van Heerwaarden, Wouter B. Mol, Menno A. Veerman, Imme B. Benedict, Bert G. Heusinkveld, Wouter H. Knap, Stelios Kazadzis, Natalia Kouremeti, Stephanie Fiedler | Journal: Communications Earth and Environment | Volume: 2(37) | Year: 2021 | doi:


  4. Investigating the representation of heatwaves from an ensemble of km‐scale regional climate simulations within CORDEX‐FPS convection

    Heatwaves (HWs) are high-impact phenomena stressing both societies and ecosystems. Their intensit...

    L. Sangelantoni, S. Sobolowski, T. Lorenz, Ø. Hodnebrog, R. M. Cardoso, P. M. M. Soares, R. Ferretti, A. Lavín‐Gullón., J. Fernandez, K. Goergen, J. Milovac, E. Katragkou, S. Kartsios, E. Coppola, E. Pichelli, M. Adinolfi, P. Mercogliano, S. Berthou, H. de Vries, A. Dobler, D. Belušić, H. Feldmann, M. H. Tölle, S. Bastin | Journal: Climate Dynamics | Year: 2023 | First page: 1 | Last page: 37 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-023-06769-9


  5. Spatiotemporal changes in aerosols over Bangladesh using 18 years of MODIS and Reanalyses data.

    In this study, combined Dark Target and Deep Blue (DTB) aerosol optical depth at 550 nm (AOD550 n...

    Ali, M.A. Bilal, M., Wang, Y., Qiu, Z., Nichol, J.E., Mhawish, A., de Leeuw, G., Zhang, Y., Shahid, S., Almazroui, M., Islam, M.N., Rahman, M.A., Mondol, S.K., Tiwari, P., Khedher, K.M. | Journal: Journal of Environmental Management | Volume: 35 | Year: 2022 | First page: 115097 | doi:
