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First 118 results for ” C Wright”

  1. Boreal-winter teleconnections with tropical Indo-Pacific rainfall in HighResMIP historical simulations from the PRIMAVERA project

    This study investigates how teleconnections linking tropical rainfall anomalies and wintertime ci...

    F Molteni, CD Roberts, R Senan, SPE Keeley, A Bellucci, S Corti, RF Franco, R Haarsma, X Levine, D Putrasahan, MJ Roberts, L Teray | Status: published | Journal: Clim. Dyn. | Year: 2020 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-020-05358-4


  2. Time series transformation tool: description of the program to generate time series consistent with the KNMI'06 climate scenarios

    Parallel to the development of the KNMI’06 climate scenarios in 2006 a tool was developed to gene...

    A Bakker, J Bessembinder | Year: 2012 | Pages: 75


  3. The US Maury Collection Metadata 1796-1861

    The U.S. Maury Collection (1796 1861), further denoted as MC, has been digitized in China during ...

    Hendrik Wallbrink, Frits Koek, Theo Brandsma | Year: 2009 | Pages: 59
