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First 1654 results for ”P Vellinga”

  1. Ammonia emission estimates using CrIS satellite observations over Europe


    Ding, J., van der A, R., Eskes, H., Dammers, E., Shephard, M., Wichink Kruit, R., Guevara, M., and Tarrason, L. | Journal: Atmos. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 24 | Year: 2024 | First page: 10583 | Last page: 10599 | doi: 10.5194/acp-24-10583-2024


  2. Source contributions to two super dust storms over Northern China in March 2021 and the impact of soil moisture.

    Two extremely devastating super dust storms (SDS) hit Mongolia and Northern China in March 2021, ...

    Hanqing Kang, Bin Zhu, Gerrit de Leeuw, Ronald J. van der A, Wen , Lu | Journal: Science of the Total Environment | Volume: 950 | Year: 2024 | First page: 175289 | Last page: 12 pp | doi:


  3. Exploring the use of ground-based remote sensing to identify new particle formation events: A case study in the Beijing area.

    New Particle Formation (NPF) is an important process of secondary aerosol production in the atmos...

    Zhang Ying, Dai, Liuxin, Zhang, Peng, de Leeuw, Gerrit. Li, Zhengqiang, Fan Cheng, Ma, Jinji, | Journal: Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN) | Volume: 954 | Year: 2024 | First page: 176693 | Last page: 13 pp | doi:


  4. Solar radiation nowcasting based on geostationary satellite images and deep learning models

    Reliable solar radiation and photovoltaic power prediction is essential for the safe and stable o...

    Yang Cui, Ping Wang, Jan Fokke Meirink, Nikolaos Ntantis, Jasper S. Wijnands | Journal: Solar Energy | Volume: 282 | Year: 2024 | First page: 112866 | doi:


  5. Total and tropospheric NO2 column measurements using direct sun, zenith sky and MAX-DOAS techniques during the CINDI campaign

    E Spinei, GH Mount, N Abuhassan, A Cede, J Herman, M Van Roozendael, K Clemer, C Fayt, F Hendrick, F Goutail, A Griesfeller, A Pazmino, AJM Piters | Status: | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Year: 2012
