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First 1355 results for ”M Collins”

  1. Verification of the AIRS and MLS ozone algorithms based on retrieved daytime and nighttime ozone

    Ozone (O3) plays a significant role in weather and climate on regional to global spatial scales. ...

    W Wang, ATJ de Laat, RJ van der A | Status: submitted | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Year: 2020 | doi: 10.5194/amt-2020-194


  2. The CAMS interim Reanalysis of Carbon Monoxide, Ozone and Aerosol for 2003-2015

    A new global reanalysis data set of atmospheric composition (AC) for the period 2003-2015 has bee...

    J Flemming, A Benedetti, A Inness, RJ Engelen, L Jones, V Huijnen, S Remy, M Parrington, M Suttie, A Bozzo, VH Peuch, D Akritidis, E Katragkou | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2017 | First page: 1945 | Last page: 1983 | doi: 10.5194/acp-17-1945-2017


  3. Modeled Influence of Land Ice and CO2 on Polar Amplification and Paleoclimate Sensitivity During the Past 5 Million Years

    Polar amplification and paleoclimate sensitivity (S) have been the subject of many paleoclimate s...

    LB Stap, RSW van de Wal, B de Boer, P Kohler, JH Hoencamp, G Lohmann, E Tuenter, LJ Lourens | Status: published | Journal: Paleoceanography | Volume: 33 | Year: 2018 | First page: 381 | Last page: 394 | doi: 10.1002/2017PA003313


  4. Rainfall Estimation Accuracy of a Nationwide Instantaneously Sampling Commercial Microwave Link Network: Error Dependency on Known Characteristics

    Commercial microwave links are installed and maintained for the purpose of telecommunication. Hyd...

    LW de Vos, A Overeem, H Leijnse, R Uijlenhoet | Status: published | Journal: J. Atm. Oceanic Technol. | Volume: 36 | Year: 2019 | First page: 1267 | Last page: 1283 | doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-18-0197.1


  5. Meteorological conditions leading to extreme low variable renewable energy production and extreme high energy shortfall

    To mitigate climate change a renewable energy transition is needed. Existing power systems will n...

    K van der Wiel, LP Stoop, BRH van Zuijlen, R Blackport, MA van den Broeke, FM Selten | Status: published | Journal: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews | Volume: 111 | Year: 2019 | First page: 261 | Last page: 275 | doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2019.04.065
