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First 1682 results for ” S Bastin”

  1. Joint retrieval of the aerosol fine mode fraction and optical depth using MODIS spectral reflectance over northern and eastern China: Artificial neural network method

    The Fine Mode Fraction (FMF) of atmospheric aerosol is very important for environment and climate...

    X Chen, G de Leeuw, A Arola, S Liu, Y Liu, K Zhang | Status: published | Journal: Remote Sens. Environ. | Volume: 247 | Year: 2020 | First page: 1 | Last page: 16 | doi:


  2. Rainfall-induced attenuation correction for two operational dual-polarization C-band radars in the Netherlands

    The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) operates two operational dual-polarization ...

    A Overeem, H de Vries, H Al Sakka, R Uijlenhoet, H Leijnse | Status: published | Journal: J. Atm. Oceanic Technol. | Volume: 38 | Year: 2021 | First page: 1125 | Last page: 1142 | doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-20-0113.1


  3. Extreme storm surge modelling in the North Sea: The role of the sea-state, forcing frequency and spatial forcing resolution

    This study shows that storm surge model performance in the North Sea is mostly unaffected by the ...

    NN Ridder, H de Vries, SS Drijfhout, HW van den Brink, E van Meijgaard, JW de Vries | Status: accepted | Journal: Ocean Dynamics | Volume: 68 | Year: 2018 | First page: 255 | Last page: 272 | doi: 10.1007/s10236-018-1133-0


  4. An Ensemble Version of the E‐OBS Temperature and Precipitation Datasets

    We describe the construction of a new version of the Europe‐wide E‐OBS temperature (daily minimum...

    RC Cornes, G van der Schrier, EJM van den Besselaar, PD Jones | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Year: 2018 | doi: doi:10.1029/2017JD028200


  5. Quantifying the Effect of Different Urban Planning Strategies on Heat Stress for Current and Future Climates in the Agglomeration of The Hague (The Netherlands)

    In the Netherlands, there will be an urgent need for additional housing by the year 2040, which m...

    S Koopmans, RJ Ronda, GJ Steeneveld, AAM Holtslag, AMG Klein Tank | Status: published | Journal: Atmosphere | Volume: 9 | Year: 2018 | First page: 353 | doi:
