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First 1533 results for ” A Alessandri”

  1. Seamless enhancement of climate prediction over land by implementing sensitivity to vegetation variability in EC-Earth

    A Alessandri, F Catalano, M de Felice, F Doblas Reyes, BJJM van den Hurk, P Miller, S Boussetta, G Balsamo | Status: accepted | Journal: Clim. Dyn. | Year: 2015


  2. Long-lead empirical forecasts of the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall based on causal precursors

    G Di Capua, M Kretschmer, J Runge, A Alessandri, R Donner, B van den Hurk, R Vellore, R Krishnan, D Coumou | Status: published | Journal: Weather and Forecasting | Year: 2019 | doi:


  3. SWIRRL. Managing Provenance-aware and Reproducible Workspaces

    Modern interactive tools for data analysis and visualisation are designed to expose their functio...

    Alessandro Spinuso, Mats Veldhuizen, Daniele Bailo, Valerio Vinciarelli, Tor Langeland | Journal: Data Intelligence | Year: 2022 | doi:


  4. Momentum Transport in Organized Shallow Cumulus Convection

    This study investigates momentum transport in shallow cumulus clouds as simulated with the Dutch ...

    Alessandro C. M. Savazzi, Louise Nuijens, Wim de Rooy, Martin Janssens, A. Pier Siebesma | Journal: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | Volume: 81 | Year: 2024 | First page: 279 | Last page: 296 | doi:


  5. Signature of the stratosphere–troposphere coupling on recent record-breaking Antarctic sea-ice anomalies

    In February 2023, the sea-ice extent around Antarctica dropped to 1:79 106 km2, setting a satell...

    Raúl R. Cordero1, Sarah Feron1, 2, Alessandro Damiani3, Pedro J. Llanillo4, Jorge Carrasco5, Alia L. Khan6, 7, Richard Bintanja8, 9, Zutao Ouyang10, and Gino Casassa5 | Journal: The Cryosphere | Volume: 17 | Year: 2023 | First page: 4995 | Last page: 5007 | doi:
