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First 812 results for ” AD King”

  1. KNMI Specials - Klimaatverandering: in 15 minuten op de hoogte

    Online KNMI special/ magazine over klimaatverandering.

    KNMI in samenwerking met PBL | Year: 2016 | Pages: nvt


  2. What is going on with India’s weather?

    S Perkins-Kirkpatrick, AD King, GJ van Oldenborgh | Journal: The Conversation | Year: 2016


  3. Attribution of the record high Central England temperature of 2014 to anthropogenic influences

    In 2014, Central England experienced its warmest year in a record extending back to 1659. Using b...

    AD King, GJ van Oldenborgh, DJ Karoly, SC Lewis, H Cullen | Status: published | Journal: Environmental Research Letters | Volume: 10 | Year: 2015 | First page: 054002 | doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/10/5/054002


  4. Correlating Extremes in Wind Divergence with Extremes in Rain over the Tropical Atlantic

    Air–sea fluxes are greatly enhanced by the winds and vertical exchanges generated by mesoscale co...

    Gregory P King, Marcos Portabella, Wenming Lin, Ad Stoffelen | Journal: Remote Sensing | Volume: 14 | Year: 2022 | doi:


  5. Event attribution is not ready for a major role in loss and damage.

    Loss and damage funds are intended to support low-income regions experiencing impacts of human-ca...

    King, A.D., Grose, M.R., Kimutai, J., Pinto, I. and Harrington, L.J. | Journal: Nature Climate Change | Year: 2023 | doi: 10.1038/s41558-023-01651-2
