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First 505 results for ” B Vehvilainen”

  1. Towards an automated Quality Control Manager for the Virtual European Broadband Seismograph Network (VEBSN)

    R Sleeman, J Vila | Journal: Orfeus Electronic Newsletter | Year: 2005


  2. The empirically corrected EP-TOMS total ozone data against Brewer measurements at El Arenosillo (Southwestern Spain)

    Abstract—This paper focuses on the validation of the empirically corrected total ozone column (TO...

    M Anton, JM Vilaplana, M Kroon | Status: published | Journal: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | Volume: 48 | Year: 2010 | First page: 3039 | Last page: 3045 | doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2010.2043257


  3. Annex I: Atlas of Global and Regional Climate Projections

    M Collins, JM Arblaster, J Hesselbjerg Christensen, GJ van Oldenborgh, S Power, M Rummukainen, T Zhou | Year: 2013


  4. EERWEM final report

    R Bossu, T van Eck, J Davila | Year: 2008


  5. On the stability of the Earth's fluctuations spectral peaks at their lowest amplitude level

    J Vila, R Macia, R Sleeman, AM Correig | Status: published | Journal: Fluctuation and Noise Letters (FNL) | Volume: 8 | Year: 2008 | First page: L237 | Last page: L248
