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First 705 results for ” JP Veefkind (Editor)”

  1. User requirements Doc. for the Aerosol Level 2 Operational Software

    JP Veefkind | Year: 2004


  2. Minutes TMCF Acceptance Review

    JP Veefkind | Year: 2004


  3. Scientific Review Report Remote Sensing of Air Pollution

    JP Veefkind, et al. | Conference: Remote Sensing of Air Pollution | Organisation: European Commission, Direcorate-General Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability | Year: 2006 | First page: 60 | Last page: 63


  4. SHAPEness: A SHACL-Driven Metadata Editor

    The Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) has been recently introduced as a W3C recommendation to de...

    Rossana Paciello, Luca Trani, Daniele Bailo, Valerio Vinciarelli and Manuela Sbarra | Journal: Communications in Computer and Information Science | Volume: 1789 | Year: 2023 | doi:


  5. CAMELOT Final Report

    This is the final report of the CAMELOT (Chemistry of the Atmosphere Mission concEpts and sentine...

    JP Veefkind, PF Levelt, BJ Kerridge, R Siddans, G de Leeuw, J Remedios, PF Coheur | Year: 2009
