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First 1868 results for ” LV Alexander”

  1. Recent changes in climate extremes in the Caribbean region

    TC Peterson, M.A. Taylor, R Demeritte, D.L. Duncombe, S Burton, F. Thompson, A Porter, M. Mercedes, E Villegas, R Semexant Fils, AMG Klein Tank, R. Warner, A Joyette, W. Mills, L Alexander, B Gleason | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Year: 2002 | First page: 4601 | doi: doi:10.1029/2002JD002251


  2. Decision-support for land reclamation location and design choices in the Maldives

    Land reclamation in the Maldives is widespread. Current land reclamation practices, however, lack...

    Thomas van der Pol, Geronimo Gussmann, Jochen Hinkel, Angel Amores, Marta Marcos, Jeremy Rohmer, Erwin Lambert, Alexander Bisaro | Journal: Climate Risk Management | Year: 2023 | doi: 10.1016/j.crm.2023.100514


  3. Global observed changes in daily climate extremes of temperature and precipitation

    A suite of climate change indices derived from daily temperature and precipitation data, with a p...

    LV Alexander, X Zhang, TC Peterson, J Caesar, B Gleason, AMG Klein Tank, M Haylock, D Collins, B Trewin, F Rahimzadeh, A Tagipour, P Ambenje, K Rupa Kumar, J Revadekar, G Griffiths | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 111 | Year: 2006 | doi: 10.1029/2005JD006290


  4. The mid‐Cretaceous North Atlantic nutrient trap: Black shales and OAEs

    Organic‐rich sediments are the salient marine sedimentation product in the mid‐Cretaceous of the ...

    J Trabucho Alexandre, E Tuenter, GA Henstra, KJ van der Zwan, RSW van de Wal, HA Dijkstra, PL de Boer | Status: published | Journal: Paleoceanography | Volume: 25 | Year: 2010 | doi: 10.1029/2010PA001925


  5. Spatial and seasonal variations of aerosols over China from two decades of multi-satellite observations - Part 2: AOD time series for 1995-2017 combined from ATSR ADV and MODIS C6.1 and AOD tendency estimations,

    L Sogacheva, E Rodriguez, P Kolmonen, TH Virtanen, G Saponaro, G de Leeuw, AK Georgoulias, G Alexandri, K Kourtidis, RJ van der A | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2018 | First page: 16631 | Last page: 16652 | doi: 10.5194/acp-18-16631-2018
