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First 749 results for ” P Miettinen”

  1. Formulation of very-high-resolution regional climate model ensembles for Europe

    JH Christensen, M Rummukainen, G Lenderink | Year: 2010


  2. Overview of the O3M SAF GOME-2 operational atmospheric composition and UV radiation data products and data availability

    The three Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 instruments will provide unique and long data sets...

    S Hassinen, P Stammes, LG Tilstra | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 9 | Year: 2016 | First page: 383 | Last page: 407 | doi: 10.5194/amt-9-383-2016


  3. Effectiviteit van de weerwaarschuwingen van het KNMI 2021

    Dit onderzoek heeft als doel een compleet beeld te schetsen van kennis, ervaringen, beoordelingen...

    Dieter Verhue (Kantar public), Juliette Bouwman (Kantar public) | Year: 2022


  4. BALTEX Reference Sites have completed Data Delivery for CEOP Phase 1

    F Beyrich, FC Bosveld, T Savunen, J Poutiainen | Journal: BALTEX Newsletter | Year: 2006 | First page: 11 | Last page: 14


  5. Simulating carbon exchange using a regional atmospheric model coupled to an advanced land-surface model

    HW ter Maat, RWA Hutjes, F Miglietta, B Gioli, FC Bosveld, AT Vermeulen, H Fritsch | Status: published | Journal: Biogeosciences | Year: 2010 | First page: 2397 | Last page: 2417 | doi: 10.5194/bg-7-2397-2010
