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First 3776 results for ”JP van der Meulen”

  1. Gecombineerde weergave van AMDAR en METAR: De eerste stap naar Synthetische Temp

    Verticale profielinformatie van het Nederlandse luchtruim werd tot november 2002 vier maal daags ...

    O vd Velde, I Holleman, J vd Meulen, S Barlag | Year: 2003


  2. Studying the spatial variability of methane flux with five eddy covariance towers of varying Height

    In this study, the spatial representativeness of eddy covariance (EC) methane (CH4) measurements ...

    O Peltola, A Hensen, L Belelli Marchesini, C Helfter, FC Bosveld, WCM van den Bulk, S Haapanala, J van Huissteden, T Laurila, A Lindroth, E Nemitz, T Röckmann, AT Vermeulen, I Mammarella | Status: published | Journal: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology | Volume: 214 | Year: 2015 | First page: 456 | Last page: 472


  3. Evaluating the performance of commonly used gas analysers for methane eddy covariance flux measurements: the InGOS inter-comparison field experiment

    The performance of eight fast-response methane (CH4) gas analysers suitable for eddy covariance f...

    O Peltola, A Hensen, C Helfter, L Belelli Marchesini, FC Bosveld, WCM van den Bulk, Elbers, Haapanala, Holst, Laurila, Lindroth, Nemitz, Röckmann, Vermeulen, Mammarella | Status: published | Journal: Biogeosciences | Volume: 11 | Year: 2014 | First page: 3163 | Last page: 3186 | doi: 10.5194/bg-11-3163-2014


  4. Uncertainties in eddy co-variance flux measurements assessed from CH4 and N2O

    This study analyses the EC flux measurements of CH4 and N2O and its corrections for changing cali...

    P Kroon, A Hensen, H Jonker, H Ouwersloot, A Vermeulen, FC Bosveld | Status: published | Journal: Agric. and Forest Met. | Volume: 150 | Year: 2010 | First page: 806 | Last page: 816 | doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2009.08.008


  5. Neurale netwerken versus lineaire regressie

    Neurale netwerken versus lineaire regressie

    R.M. Meuleman | Year: 1994 | Pages: 53
