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First 67 results for ”PJ Nair”

  1. On the estimation of return values of significant wave height data from the reanalysis of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

    S Caires, A Sterl | Conference: Safety and Reliability | Place: Netherlands | First page: 353 | Last page: 361


  2. Global Wave Climate Trend and Variability Analysis

    S Caires, V Swail | Conference: 8th int. workshop on wave hindcasting and forecast | Place: Hawaii, USA | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  3. On the Non-parametric Correction of Wave Fields

    S Caires, V Swail | Conference: 8th int. workshop on wave hindcasting and forecast | Place: Hawaii, 2004 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  4. Estimating extreme wave height probabilities from observations and the ERA-40 reanalysis

    A Sterl, S Caires | Year: 2005


  5. Climatology, variability and extrema of ocean waves - The web-based KNMI/ERA-40 Wave Atlas

    The European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) has recently finished ERA-40, a re...

    A Sterl, S Caires | Conference: 25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2006) | Organisation: American Society Of Mechanical Engineers (AMSE) | Place: Hamburg | Year: 2006 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
