Assessing climate model projections: state of the art and philosophical reflections
A philosophy of science based discussion is presented of the vexing question of how to carry out ...
J Katzav, H Dijkstra, J de Laat | Status: submitted | Journal: Reviews of Geophysics | Year: 2011
On the temperature sensitivity of near-surface seismic wave speeds: application to the Groningen region, the Netherlands
Subsurface temperature measurements play a crucial role, for instance, in optimizing geothermal p...
Eldert Fokker, Elmer Ruigrok, Jeannot Trampert | Journal: Geophysical Journal International | Volume: 237 | Year: 2024 | First page: 1129 | Last page: 1141 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggae102
RapidScat wind validation report version 1.1
The OSI SAF delivers level 2 wind products with 25 and 50 km Wind Vector Cell (WVC) spacing in ne...
A Verhoef, J Vogelzang, A Stoffelen | Year: 2015
Bridging forecast verification and humanitarian decisions: a valuation approach for setting up action-oriented early warning systems
Authors: Ana Lopez, Ph.D; Erin Coughlan de Perez; Pablo Suarez; Bart van den Hurk; Marteen van Aa...
A Lopez, E Coughlan de Perez, P Suarez, BJJM van den Hurk, M van Aalst | Status: accepted | Journal: Weather, Climate and Society | Year: 2015
Investigating the causes of the response of the thermohaline circulation to past and future climate changes
The Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC) is an important part of the earth's climate system. P...
RJ Stouffer, J Yin, JM Gregory, KW Dixon, MJ Spelman, W Hurlin, AJ Weaver, M Eby, GM Flato, H Hasumi, A Hu, JH Junclaus, SL Weber | Status: published | Journal: J. Climate | Volume: 19 | Year: 2006 | First page: 1365 | Last page: 1387