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First 1625 results for ”ME Shongwe”

  1. Using CALIPSO to explore the sensitivity to cirrus height in the infrared observations from NPOESS/VIIRS and GOES-R/ABI

    This paper demonstrates how the availability of specific infrared channels impacts the ability of...

    AK Heidinger, MJ Pavolonis, RE Holz, BA Baum, S Berthier | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 115 | Year: 2010 | doi: 10.1029/2009JD012152


  2. The 1921 European drought: impacts, reconstruction and drivers

    The European drought of 1921 is assessed in terms of its impacts on society and in terms of its p...

    van der Schrier, G., Allan, R. P., Ossó, A., Sousa, P. M., Van de Vyver, H., Van Schaeybroeck, B., Coscarelli, R., Pasqua, A. A., Petrucci, O., Curley, M., Mietus, M., Filipiak, J., Stepánek, P., Zahradnícek, P., Brázdil, R., Reznícková, L., van den Besselaar, E. J. M., Trigo, R., Aguilar, E. | Journal: Climate of the Past | Volume: 17 | Year: 2021 | First page: 2201 | Last page: 2021 | doi: 10.5194/cp-17-2201-2021


  3. A climatological benchmark for operational radar rainfall bias reduction

    The presence of significant biases in real-time radar quantitative precipitation estimations (QPE...

    Ruben Imhoff, Claudia Brauer, Klaas-Jan van Heeringen, Hidde Leijnse, Aart Overeem, Albrecht Weerts, Remko Uijlenhoet | Journal: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences | Volume: 25 | Year: 2021 | doi: 10.5194/hess-25-4061-2021


  4. The ERA-40 Reanalysis

    ERA-40 is a re-analysis of meteorological observations from September 1957 to August 2002 produce...

    V. Eyring, M. Righi, M. Evaldsson, A. Lauer, S. Wenzel, C. Jones, A. Anav, O. Andrews, I. Cionni, E.L. Davin, C. Deser, C. Ehbrecht, P. Friedlingstein, P. Gleckler, K.-D. Gottschaldt, S. Hagemann, M. Juckes, S. Kindermann, J. Krasting, D. Kunert, R. Levine, A. Loew, J. Mäkelä, G. Martin, E. Mason, A. Phillips, S. Read, C. Rio, R. Roehrig, D. Senftleben, A. Sterl, L.H. van Ulft, J. Walton, S. Wang, and K.D. Williams | Status: published | Journal: Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. | Volume: 131 | Year: 2005 | First page: 2961 | Last page: 3012 | doi: 10.1256/qj.04.176


  5. Evaluation of trends in extreme temperatures simulated by HighResMIP models across Europe

      Simulation of past climate is an important tool for the validation of climate models. The co...

    Antonello A Squintu, Gerard van der Schrier, Else van den Besselaar, Eveline van der Linden, Dian Putrasahan, Christopher Roberts, Malcolm Roberts, Enrico Scoccimarro, Retish Senan, Albert Klein Tank | Journal: Climate Dynamics | Volume: 56 | Year: 2021 | First page: 2389 | Last page: 2412 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-020-05596-6
