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First 153 results for ” Ilse”

  1. Survey of data assimilation methods for convective-scale numerical weather prediction at operational centres

    Data assimilation (DA) methods for convective-scale numerical weather prediction at operational c...

    Nils Gustafsson1 Tijana Janjic ́2 Christoph Schraff3 Daniel Leuenberger4 Martin Weissmann5 Hendrik Reich5 Pierre Brousseau6 Thibaut Montmerle6 Eric Wattrelot6 Antonín Bucˇánek7 Máté Mile8 Rafiq Hamdi9 Magnus Lindskog1 Jan Barkmeijer10 Mats Dahlbom11 Bruce Macpherson12 Sue Ballard12 Gordon Inverarity12 Jacob Carley13 Curtis Alexander14 David Dowell14 Shun Liu13 Yasutaka Ikuta15 Tadashi Fujita15 | Journal: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, | Volume: 144 | Year: 2018 | First page: 1218 | Last page: 1256 | doi: 10.1002/qj.3179


  2. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument: overview of 14 years in space

    This overview paper highlights the successes of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on board th...

    P.F. Levelt, J. Joiner, J. Tamminen, J.P. Veefkind, P.K. Bhartia, D.C. Stein Zweers, B.N. Duncan, D.G. Streets, H. Eskes, R. van der A, C. McLinden, V. Fioletov, S. Carn, J. de Laat, M. DeLand, S. Marchenko, R. McPeters, J. Ziemke, D. Fu, X. Liu, K. Pickering, A. Apituley, G. González Abad, A. Arola, F. Boersma, C. Chan Miller, K. Chance, M. de Graaf, J. Hakkarainen, S. Hassinen, I. Ialongo, Q. Kleipool, N. Krotkov, C. Li, L. Lamsal, P. Newman, C. Nowlan, R. Suleiman, L.G. Tilstra, O. Torres, H. Wang, and K. Wargan | Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Volume: 18 | Year: 2018 | doi:


  3. Attribution of the heavy rainfall events leading to severe flooding in Western Europe during July 2021

    In July 2021 extreme rainfall across Western Europe caused severe flooding and substantial impact...

    Jordis S. Tradowsky, Sjoukje Y. Philip, Frank Kreienkamp, Sarah F. Kew, Philip Lorenz, Julie Arrighi, Thomas Bettmann, Steven Caluwaerts, Steven C. Chan, Lesley De Cruz, Hylke de Vries, Norbert Demuth, Andrew Ferrone, Erich M. Fischer, Hayley J. Fowler, Klaus Goergen, Dorothy Heinrich, Yvonne Henrichs, Frank Kaspar, Geert Lenderink, Enno Nilson, Friederike E. L. Otto, Francesco Ragone, Sonia I. Seneviratne, Roop K. Singh, Amalie Skålevåg, Piet Termonia, Lisa Thalheimer, Maarten van Aalst, Joris Van den Bergh, Hans Van de Vyver, Stéphane Vannitsem, Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, Bert Van Schaeybroeck, Robert Vautard, Demi Vonk & Niko Wanders | Journal: Climatic Change | Volume: 176 | Year: 2023 | doi:
