Precipitation amount and intensity measurements with the Ott Pluvio
The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) performs routine precipitation amount measu...
Wiel Wauben | Year: 2004 | Pages: 94
Improved MODIS Dark Target Aerosol Optical Depth algorithm over land: Angular effect Correction
Aerosol optical depth (AOD) product retrieved from MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer ...
Y Wu, M de Graaf, M Menenti | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 9 | Year: 2016 | First page: 5575 | Last page: 5589 | doi: 10.5194/amt-9-5575-2016
Extracting low signal-to-noise ratio events with the Hough transform from sparse array data
Low-frequency acoustic, i.e., infrasound, waves are measured by sparse arrays of microbarometers....
G Averbuch, JD Assink, PSM Smets, LG Evers | Status: published | Journal: Geophysics | Year: 2018 | doi: 10.1190/GEO2017-0490.1
Funktionele beschrijving van het KNMI- muP-systeem
In dit verslag wordt en globale beschrijving gegeven van en micro-computer-system. Dit system is ...
J.J.M. van Gorp | Year: 1981 | Pages: 90
Scatterometer wind vector products for application in meteorology and oceanography
Scatterometers measure the radar backscatter from wind-generated cm-size gravity-capillary waves ...
J Vogelzang, A Stoffelen | Status: accepted | Journal: Journal of Sea Research | Year: 2012