KEM-31: Methods for the assessment of low-frequency noise from mining activities in the Netherlands
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), noise ranks among the environmental stressors w...
JD Assink, E de Graaff, E Nieuwenhuizen, K White, R Nusselder, OFC den Ouden | Year: 2022 | Pages: 100
In Higher Spheres: 40 years of observations at the Cabauw Site
In 1964 the need for high measuring masts for studying the dispersion of air pollution and the wi...
Fred Bosveld, Wim Monna | Year: 2013 | Pages: 56
Aardbevingen - Wat beweegt de aarde
Aardbevingen, een fenomeen waar iedereen wel eens, gewild of ongewild, mee geconfronteerd wordt. ...
HW Haak, FH Goutbeek | Year: 2005 | Pages: 52
Rainfall generator for the Meuse basin: Simulation of 6-hourly rainfall and temperature for the Ourthe catchment
This report presents a first study on the development of a
stochastic weather generator for the ...
R Wojcik, TA Buishand | Year: 2001 | Pages: 31
A data-driven impact-based analysis stemming from first responders reports to predict wind damage to urban trees
Transitioning from weather forecasts and warnings to impact-based forecast and warning services r...
Irene Garcia-Marti, Jouke H. S. de Baar, Jan Willem Noteboom, Rob Sluijter, Gerard van der Schrier
| Journal: Frontiers in Climate | Volume: 6 | Year: 2024 | doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fclim.2024.1505268