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First 747 results for ” A Turiel”

  1. Strong universality in forced and decaying turbulence in a shell model

    The weak version of universality in turbulence refers to the independence of the scaling exponent...

    VS L\'vov, RA Pasmanter, A Pomyalov, I Procaccia | Status: published | Journal: Phys. Rev. E. | Volume: 67 | Year: 2003 | First page: 066310-1 | Last page: 066310-9


  2. The influence of wall permeability on turbulent channel flow

    Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) have been performed of turbulent flow in a plane channel with ...

    WP Breugem, BJ Boersma, RE Uittenbogaard | Status: published | Journal: J. Fluid Mech. | Volume: 562 | Year: 2006 | First page: 35 | Last page: 72 | doi: 10.1017/S0022112006000887


  3. Turbulent exchange coeffiecients over a Douglas fir forest

    Turbulent exchange coeffiecients over a Douglas fir forest 

    F.C. Bosveld | Year: 1991 | Pages: 46


  4. Drie objectieve indices voor clear-air turbulence nader bekeken

    Drie objectieve indices voor clear-air turbulence nader bekeken

    H.Bakker | Year: 1993 | Pages: 30


  5. Description of the Cabauw turbulence dataset 1977-1979

    Description of the Cabauw turbulence dataset 1977-1979

    C. Hofman | Year: 1988 | Pages: 19
